Tasman Sea Salt
Tasman Sea Salt harnesses naturally occurring solar and thermal energy in its production process, to minimise the impact on its pristine surrounds, and remain true to its core value of creating an environmentally sustainable business
Infused by its natural environment Tasman Sea Salt is a robust bright white sea salt flake with an incredible depth of flavour
Tasman Sea Salt is situated in one of the worlds most pristine natural environments. Preserving these beautiful surrounds is central to the ethos of Tasman Sea Salt, harnessing sustainable energies throughout the production process.
Tasman Sea Salt utilises age old salt harvesting traditions alongside innovative new clean energy technologies. While the technology may be innovative the methods are simple - evaporating off fresh water to leave pure white salt flakes with nothing added and nothing removed.
The seas around Tasmania are some of the cleanest and most nutrient rich waters in the world and it is this unique combination which gives Tasman Sea Salt flakes their great taste and incredible depth of flavour. Packed full of the sea minerals and nutrients that are found naturally in these waters, Tasman Sea Salt contains all the goodness that nature intended.
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